An Alternative Approach to Investigate Biofilm in Medical Devices: A Feasibility Study

Petrachi T, Resca E, Piccinno MS, Biagi F, Strusi V, Dominici M, Veronesi E.
“An Alternative Approach to Investigate Biofilm in Medical Devices: A Feasibility Study.”
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Dec 18;14(12). pii: E1587. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14121587.

Technological, economical and social issues hampering homecare approaches adoption: challenges and opportunities. Emilia Romagna perspective

Laura Aldrovandi, Giovanni Solinas
“Technological, economical and social issues hampering homecare approaches adoption: challenges and opportunities. Emilia Romagna perspective”
Innovation and Sustainability - 3rd Transforming Care Conference – Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
26-28 June 2017

Non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma assisted functionalization of electrospun mats for the selective capture of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells

"Non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma assisted functionalization of electrospun mats for the selective capture of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells" oral presentation at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Biomaterials, Milano, Italy 24-26 May 2017.
A. Liguori, T. Gallingani, M. Gherardi, V. Colombo, R. Di Gesù, M. Animini, C. Gualandi, ML. Focarete, M. Dominici, T. Petrachi, E. Resca, E. Veronesi, MS. Piccinno

A new approach to investigate biofilm formation in medical devices

10th Congress of the Vascular Access Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Aprile 2017.
"A new approach to investigate biofilm formation in medical devices".
E.Resca, T.Petrachi , MS.Piccinno, G.Gavioli, M.Dominici and E.Veronesi.

An improved optical scheme for self-mixing low-coherence flowmeters

L Di Cecilia, L Rovati, S Cattini
An improved optical scheme for self-mixing low-coherence flowmeters
(2017) Proceedings Volume 10072, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics; 1007215
DOI: 10.1117/12.2250551

On the feasibility of a CENTA-based biosensor to measure antibiotics concentration in milk

L Ferrari, L Rovati, MP Costi, A Venturelli, R Luciani, S Cattini
On the feasibility of a CENTA-based biosensor to measure antibiotics concentration in milk
(2017) European Conference on Biomedical Optics, 1041302
DOI: 10.1117/12.2286131

Autologous Porcine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Cells for Reconstruction of a Resorbed Alveolar Bone: A Preclinical Model in Mini-Pigs

Cecilie Gudveig Gjerde, Daniele De Santis, Massimo Dominici, Guglielmo Zanotti, Sølve Hellem, Serena Piccinno, Jorge S Burns, Alba Murgia, Olivia Candini, Mauro Krampera, Pierfrancesco Nocini, Alessandro Addis, Jérôme Amiaud, Pierre Layrolle, Kamal Mustafa and Elena Veronesi. “Autologous Porcine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Cells for Reconstruction of a Resorbed Alveolar Bone: A Preclinical Model in Mini-Pigs” International Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2017, 4:050
Vol 4(2) DOI: 10.23937/2469-570X/1410050

Feasibility Study on a Measurement Method and a Portable Measuring System to Estimate the Concentration of Cloxacillin and β-Lactamase in Milk

L Ferrari, L Rovati, MP Costi, R Luciani, A Venturelli, S Cattini
"Feasibility Study on a Measurement Method and a Portable Measuring System to Estimate the Concentration of Cloxacillin and β-Lactamase in Milk"
(2017) Journal of Sensors Volume 2017, Article ID 5742359, 11 pages
DOI: 10.1155/2017/5742359

Single-arm self-mixing superluminescent diode interferometer for flow measurements

L Di Cecilia, S Cattini, F Giovanardi, L Rovati
"Single-arm self-mixing superluminescent diode interferometer for flow measurements"
(2017) Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (16), 3577-3583