A simple measuring system for early detection of haemolysis during haemodialysis

Cattini, S., Rovati, L., Bernabei, M., Cianciavicchia, D., Monari, P., Sicuri, A.
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A simple and robust optical scheme for self-mixing low-coherence flowmeters

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Nitrocatechol/ZnO interface: The role of dipole in a dye/metal-oxide model system

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An in vitro model of a system of electrical potential compensation in extracorporeal circulation

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Transportation conditions for prompt use of ex vivo expanded and freshly harvested clinical-grade bone marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cells for bone regeneration

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Adipose stromal/stem cells assist fat transplantation reducing necrosis and increasing graft performance

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Competing pathways in N-allylurea adsorption on Si(111)-(7x7)

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Functionalization of glassy carbon surface by means of aliphatic and aromatic amino acids. An experimental and theoretical integrated approach

D. Vanossi, R. Benassi, F. Parenti, F. Tassinari, R. Giovanardi, N. Florini, V. De Renzi, G.F. Arnaud, C. Fontanesi “Functionalization of glassy carbon surface by means of aliphatic and aromatic amino acids. An experimental and theoretical integrated approach”, Electrochimica Acta 75 (2012) 49.

Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells as stable source of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand delivery for cancer therapy

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