An improved optical scheme for self-mixing low-coherence flowmeters

L Di Cecilia, L Rovati, S Cattini
An improved optical scheme for self-mixing low-coherence flowmeters
(2017) Proceedings Volume 10072, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics; 1007215
DOI: 10.1117/12.2250551

On the feasibility of a CENTA-based biosensor to measure antibiotics concentration in milk

L Ferrari, L Rovati, MP Costi, A Venturelli, R Luciani, S Cattini
On the feasibility of a CENTA-based biosensor to measure antibiotics concentration in milk
(2017) European Conference on Biomedical Optics, 1041302
DOI: 10.1117/12.2286131

Brioprinting and 3D printing in the life sciences, 13-14 Ottobre 2016 Cambridge

Poster: "A novel laser sintered-titanium cage favors human osteoprogenitors performance for improved intervertebral discs replacement".
Piccinno MS, Petrachi T, Resca E, Caselli S, Novi C, Dominici M and Veronesi E.

Measuring haemolysis in haemodialysis: Comparison between a new and existing data processing algorithms

Cattini, S., Rovati, L.
Measuring haemolysis in haemodialysis: Comparison between a new and existing data processing algorithms
(2016) Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2016-July, art. no. 7520563, .
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2016.7520563

Near-infrared spectroscopy for non-invasive monitoring of drugs blood-brain barrier penetration

Rovati, L., Cattini, S., Crespi, F.
"Near-infrared spectroscopy for non-invasive monitoring of drugs blood-brain barrier penetration"
(2016) Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2016-July, art. no. 7520564, .
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2016.7520564

A simple calibration method to quantify the effects of head movements on vision-based eye-tracking systems

Cattini, S., Rovati, L.
"A simple calibration method to quantify the effects of head movements on vision-based eye-tracking systems"
(2016) Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2016-July, art. no. 7520483, .
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2016.7520483

Science and Technology Park for Medicine: a new reality for the implementation of medical device and nanotechnologies

School of Nanomedicine 2015 (BARI 2-4/12/2015): Poster “Science and Technology Park for Medicine: a new reality for the implementation of medical device and nanotechnologies”; Arnaud GF, Petrachi T, Dominici M, Rovati L.

Design and performance of an Hb measuring system: Viability of its use in a haemodialysis

Cattini, S., Rovati, L.
"Design and performance of an Hb measuring system: Viability of its use in a haemodialysis"
(2015) Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2015-July, art. no. 7151433, pp. 1147-1152.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151433

A simple measuring system and calibration method to investigate light transmission ability of light-transmitting fiber posts

Cattini, S., Rovati, L.
"A simple measuring system and calibration method to investigate light transmission ability of light-transmitting fiber posts"
(2015) Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2015-July, art. no. 7151432, pp. 1141-1146.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151432

Science And Technology Park For Medicine: A New Reality For The Implementation Of Medical Devices And Nanotechnologies

Arnaud, G.F., Petrachi, T., Dominici, M., Rovati, L.
“Science And Technology Park For Medicine: A New Reality For The Implementation Of Medical Devices And Nanotechnologies”
(2015) School of Nanomedicine CNR, Bari