FOI, thanks to its network of contacts and experts, is able to identify the best opportunities for the realization of research and development projects, through the identification of ad hoc facilitated funding instruments.
FOI can provide support in identifying both research centers and industrial partners assisting them with the necessary scientific skills to achieve objectives and the specific public funds most suitable for companies’need.

The activities

The activities refer to companies of any size with a specific and innovative ideas to develop and transform into a new product / process / service.

FOI supports:

  • in searching for innovative ideas and technologies to meet companies’ need
  • in evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of an idea / project
  • in the identification of skills and technologies necessary for the transition from the idea to the new product, process, service
  • in identifying opportunities available at regional, national and international level to finance all phases of research and development
  • in the management of research and development projects financed through regional, national and European calls

Sectors of application


From 2015 on behalf of companies:

Projects approved: 32

  • Total investment of companies: € 14 million
  • Funding approved: € 6.1 million

From 2015 for TPM activities:

  • Total investment: € 6.5 million
  • Approved financing: € 5.5 million

Some examples of strategic projects with companies involvement:


Laura Aldrovandi  :  Consolidated Expertise in the preparation, funding,  management and development of research projects on behalf of companies and research centers. Specific competences in the biomedical field and life sciences.

Staff and Skills

Laura Aldrovandi: Laurea in Biotecnologie Mediche e Farmaceutiche, PhD Candidate in Lavoro, Sviluppo e Innovazione, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Fondazione Marco Biagi
Simona Sbardelatti: Laurea in Biotecnologie Mediche e Farmaceutiche, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Facoltà di Bioscienze e Biotecnologie, Modena